Happy Halloween from the “Rambo-nauts”! 

From the STS-120 crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery - dressed in our orange pumpkin suits and camouflage bandanas - transformed into the “Rambo Crew”…

Kneeling (L to R):   Scott Parazynski – “LongBOw”;  Paolo Nespoli  - “Rocky BalBOa” (the Italian Stallion)

Standing (L to R):  Yours Truly – “FlamBO”;  Dan Tani – “BOichi”;  Pam Melroy – “PamBO”;  George Zamka – “ZamBO”;  Stephanie Wilson – “RoBO”

From the STS-120 crew…HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Pambo, Zambo, Longbow, Robo, Flambo, Boichi, and Rocky