Introducing Cristian Radu the new HITLER of #Mangalia #Romania !! All dogs in Costanza dog pound Mangalia were killed. There is no veterinarian, dogs are killed by dog catchers who makes them an injection of poison and after 50 minutes they died in terrible torment. Cristian Radu run for EU!! NEVER EVER we can let this happen!! This mass killer must stopped!!

This is his bloody work!!

Romanian style " Animal control officers"...primitive barbarians, probably with less then 6 years in school!! These are the ONES paid from public money, to TORTURE ANIMALS!! Please check the original source photos, you will see the HORROR in the public shelter Mangalia ( another Black Sea resort ) HORROR... Actually this is exactly what this law for the management of stray dogs, IS all about...THE TORTURE, when capture, during transport, in shelters, by starvation lack of water, lack of basic medical care, to EXTERMINATE by all means as many dogs as possible... because THIS brings money in town halls coffers ( or Radus & private people pockets...) a TOTAL DISGRACE for EUROPE itself, yet it appears that Romanian local authorities can do whatever they want with IMPUNITY ...maybe if tourists will avoid Romania, and people will avoid Romanian products... maybe it will start to hurt, where it matters most, for many : in the pockets.