Carnival by poisonivystar 4 For most of the time the town was dark and dreary, But come carnival time it was downright cheery! For with the carnival that would come to the town , Was a caravan and a man with a gold -plated crown . Oh , what a sight it was down the main street ! People laughing and cheering everyone they meet! Colors bright and flowers all over and everywhere ! Music and laughter flitting through the very air! Yes , I did say there was a man who wore a crown . They say he did some magic in that small little town. No , not the usual thing of fortune telling or so, But real magic with such a beautiful glow ! Oh , the people said it was all false and fake , That it was only for the gullible to take . Still , I remember a time , way back when, The magic seemed to make me alive again! There I was just wandering aimlessly around , When a ghost in the alley is what I really found! It was ready to take me and had fingers in my throat , Then suddenly I was surrounded by a gold