Sam is so overwhelmingly relieved to see that Dean is okay because, when he jumped into the pit, resigned to never walking in the sunlight again, the very last thing he saw was Dean’s face completely pulverized by his own fists. But then he woke up to an all too familiar view of the slowly rotating fan in the ceiling of Bobby’s panic room and heard the echoes of Dean’s voice from upstairs. For him, not a moment had gone by and he’s just so grateful that Dean is okay, whatever rescued him comes second. And for Dean, he’s cautious at first. He’s been burned before 6 months prior when he hugged an empty shell of his brother. But he feels Sam’s arms tighten around him like they always have before, and he feels Sam’s heartbeat racing unlike how it never did when he had no soul, and he feels Sam’s heavy breaths over his shoulder, and he just knows that it’s Sam this time. Because he’s finally whole again.