Stalin's speech could not be more appropriate to explain the advent of fascist and genocidal dictatorship that rules the government of Amerikkka."The victory of fascism in Germany must be regarded not only as a sign of weakness of the working class but like the result of the betrayals of social democracy, which paved the way for fascism.

The victory of fascism must also be regarded as a sign of weakness of the bourgeoisie, as a sign that the bourgeoisie is no longer able to rule by the old methods of parliamentarism and bourgeois democracy. Because, bourgeois democracy forced to resort in the internal politics to terrorist methods of management - as a sign that bourgeois democracy is no longer able to find a way out of the current situation on the basis of a peaceful foreign policy and compelled to resort to a policy of war. "

J. Stalin at the XVII Congress of the CPSU (b)
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