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Could you live? 


It's Labor Day weekend, an opportunity for workers to relax, reflect and take pride in our accomplishments and the knowledge that we have changed our country for the better.
But it’s also a time for us to pledge our support for our brothers and sisters who are fighting tooth and nail every day just to get by, who are languishing without the good jobs and fair wages they need to support their families. In this country, someone working the minimum wage makes $290 a week. You and I both know that’s not enough to feed a family and keep a home warm in winter, let alone be able to buy your kids back-to-school supplies.
This weekend is Labor Day weekend, but Election Day is coming. We’ve got a big fight on our hands now, a fight that will determine whether workers continue to struggle or whether we can revitalize our communities that have been devastated by big banks and corporate greed.
Will we elect officials who’ll raise wages and create jobs or ones who’ll give more tax breaks to corporations and CEOs and leave workers behind?
Click here to pledge to vote this November for elected officials who will raise the minimum wage.
We need to raise the standard of living in this country. We need to raise workers’ share of the fruits of our own labor because it’s not right that CEOs are the only ones profiting from our sweat. We need to raise the number of kids who go to college and the number of seniors who retire in security and comfort. We need to raise our voices. We need to roll up our sleeves and fight.
It starts with raising the minimum wage. It ends with an economy that works for everyone, not just corporations and CEOs.
It starts this weekend. It ends on Election Day, with victories for elected officials who will fight for working people every single day they're in office.
Will you join me, brothers and sisters? To fight not just for ourselves, but for all working families—and for the future of the country we love?
Click here to pledge to vote this November for elected officials who will raise the minimum wage.

It’s going to be a tough fight, but you and I have never shied away from one of those before, not when workers’ lives are on the line. Let’s stand together and win this one in November.
In solidarity,

Richard Trumka
President, AFL-CIO