Can someone out there help me with this? Please forgive me if this seems melodramatic, but it was in my mind tonight and I had to get it out there. Has anyone else quietly paused within themselves over these last few days and said, "It's 2014. Robin Williams committed suicide by hanging himself with a belt in his home, and yet the world has continued to turn. It hasn't stopped, tilted on it's side, or become altered in anyway. How can that be?" He was cremated already and his ashes have been tossed into the San Francisco Bay. Just like that. Gone. This man who contributed so much to the fabric of so many lives through his myriad of characters. Is it just me having an overly visceral response to his death, or is it maybe only fellow artists or creatives that have found the loss of this man exceptionally profound. I never met him personally like most. I grew up watching him in films and was comforted by his childlike humor mixed with his turns of dramatic depth and humanity, yet I feel as if I knew him personally. Projection, or a normal response to the loss of any kind of symbolic thing that you grow accustomed to? Is this just the reality of age and time? Eventually, those you grow up with or are inspired by will eventually in some way, leave? Is it the sad clown theory and in this case, the sad won? Is it anger at that clown because it couldn't beat that awful yet ever powerful dark side? Is it presumptuous to feel that he let us all down who came to regard him as a guide through a dark, and at times completely insane world? Is it that we feel betrayed when those we consider immortal and larger than life prove to us that they are in fact just like us; mortal and filled with flaw. Is this just your cliche' 5 stages of grief projected to a more visible person, or is it something more? To you dear void, I wonder.

Jamie Leigh