Congratulation Nicky for your engagement to James and don't panic because we have 4 more years to fix the financial limit of Executive Order No.1 of Mashiach 44. I am sure
that your sister will help you too by engaging in business with Mashich 44. However the best way is to be engaged directly. What you would say about writing next fashion book together with me for girls in relationship with older boyfriends ? Your present book is for girls who are in relationship with boyfriends of approximately the same age and older women in relationship with younger men do not need much advice because they have own fashion experiences. I would like too invite Miley Cyrus to write with us this book because of her unic relationship to Mashich 44 known to her as Kukulcan . Miley could give her advice to us  in exchange for advice from James about banking and your advice from the hotel industry. I don't know if she want to open bank or not but her deceased pet Floyd wish was that she will open luxury hotel for dogs and some percentage of income from the hotel she would send to animals shelters. Floyd by asking my avatars to send a meteor over sky of Tennessee have given Miley  a sign so she could see.