State of Education in India - Inputs on Root Causes.
Dear Friends: 
Thank you for taking the time to share issues related to Education system in India. 

These are some of the key issues outlined by you: 

1 Private school fees have become exorbitant 
2 Quality of education in government schools is not at par with the private schools 
3 Inadequate schools in cities as well as rural areas 
4 Unqualified and/ or incompetent non-performing teachers in Government schools 
5 Inadequate facilities in many schools 
6 Many Government schools in rural India still don't have toilets for girls 
7 Teachers in government schools don’t show up at work too often 
8 Children are beaten up by school teachers 
9 School curriculum is different across states and boards 
10 School curriculum in many cases is outdated 
11 There is little focus on practical learning 
12 Inadequate facility and training in sports 
13 Hefty donations asked for at the time of admissions in private schools 
14 Most private schools are run for business and profits. 

If there are some key issues missing, kindly post it as a comment to this post. Let us move forward and root cause these so we can figure out what is driving these issues in our Education system. 

Once we know the Root Causes, we will start the Solutions discussion in a separate post. 

Thank you again for your participation. 

Rajendra Pratap Gupta 
Bharatiya Janata Party
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