#Romania today... and when the picture becomes complete, what is it that we see?
In Romania enactment of a Law is prescribed by Methodological Norms... literally the Methodology by which a Law can be enacted.

On 20th of July, 2014, the highest court in the land, Curtea de Apel Buchaesti (Appeal Court of Bucharest), in response to a motion by Vier Pfoten, suspended the Methodological Norms which were initially introduced as Romanian Government Decision nr. 1059/2013 for approving the Methodological Norms for the application of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2001 for approving the management program of stray dogs, and which became Law 258/2013 in September, 2013.

This decision meant that the Law 258/2013 modified from 155/2001 exists in principle but CANNOT be enacted as the methodology has been suspended.
We move forward... Romanian authorities dismiss this historic protocol as unnecessary, irrelevant, according to Razvan Bancescu's latest appearance on Romanian National TV where he stated that they will exercise the Law WITHOUT any legal Methodological Norms in place.

This invites the question: do they challenge, ignore and re-define Romanian legal protocols with impunity?

Perhaps those historic Romanian political persuasive powers of intimidation and financial inducements provide comfort that whatever anarchic direction is sought? ... corruption will win the day.

Attached is the ruling of the Court of Appeal. Quite clear to those who see clearly... eminently distortable to those who are used to another society where distortion of moral values and manipulation of media is the accepted norm.

And dare we explore further? Dare we...?

Clearly stated in the Court Decision is an appeal period of 5 days. The Government challenge was launched - according to the newspaper HOTNEWS, ro - on Monday, 14th of July, some three weeks after the judgement was pronounced.

Do we really have a European Government who believe that they can do ANYTHING, irrespective of the laws of their land?

A Government who deem themselves to be above the law?

Far better to have brought an uninhabited island into the EU-family instead of a land which presents no conformity with European morals and protocols. And most frightening of all, provides no assurances that the future guarantees a positive evolution.

Europe wake up! Romania, EU-brother? ...or anathematic pariah?



1) Bucharest Court of Appeal ruling from 20th of June, 2014: http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/233142320?access_key=key-F5McPKHbQFx2QDtuehWd&allow_share=false&escape=false&show_recommendations=false&view_mode=scroll

2) Certificat issued by the Bucharest Court of Appeal: http://www.exposing-aspa.com/uploads/7/7/3/5/7735203/1145349_orig.png

3) Bancescu's latest interview: http://www.digi24.ro/Stiri/Digi24/Actualitate/Stiri/Nou+scandal+intre+ASPA+si+cei+care+se+opun+eutanasierii+maidanez
