My Mom. I wanted to just acknowledge and thank her. Since day one when I found out about my diagnosis through to the surgery, and the recovery, she has been there for me. There hasn't been a single day where she wasn't checking on me, getting more of the very limited foods I liked and preparing them, helping with my bandages, picking up my medicines, etc. I truly believe that some people are put on this planet to be Mothers. That is their destiny. Some, choose to be Mothers for selfish or the wrong reasons. They lack something in themselves that they feel bringing a child into this world will solve. When it doesn't fill that void, they cast them aside and keep searching for something else to temporarily get them what they feel they need. Whatever mood I was in, whether crying at odd times for strange reasons, to snapping because I had a very short fuse from all the pain, or overjoyed with the simple successes like finally being able to eat and keep down an egg, she has been there. Never once did she complain, or refuse to help or do something for me. I like to think that I am the same way towards anyone I love. Unconditional and loyal. Through thick and thin with me, and I mean; tissue paper thin, my Mom has been there. Like any Mother daughter relationship, we still have our battles, but they are few and far between, and almost always result and resolve with a lesson learned, humor, or gratitude because we know despite it all, we have been there for each other. She has been through just as much or more in her life, and she has stuck by me through everything, and for that, I wanted to publicly thank her. She may not agree with some choices I make, but never once has she not supported me in things that I chose which I was passionate about. Thank you Mom for continuing to show me the true meaning of unconditional love and acceptance through all life chooses to toss at us. It means the world to me.