#Romania So, one of the Masterminds of the Law which allows the MASS EXTERMINATION of dogs, by euthanasia, The President of Romanian Association of Muncipalities ( take a look at their sponsors http://www.amr.ro/ ) and also Mayor of Pitesti ( take a look at Pitesti sister cities ) the very one who pressured the Parliament with lots and lots of amendments to the Draft already approved by the Senate in the Spring of 2013, thus leading to this very draft to pe postoponed until the Fall 2013...( more information here https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=601889096488831&set=a.204544902889921.56657.204542339556844&type=3&theater ) Mr. TUDOR PENDIUC is very very upset with the Decision of the Court of Appeal, to suspend the Methodological Norms for the law 258/2013 ) that he immediately wrote and official letter to the government and hopes to attract many more mayors in this trial to continue to sustain the very norms, basically the MASS KILLINGS of dogs...which he wanted from the very beginning...

It would be very interesting to see how Pitesti sister cities' city halls would react knowing that they are " related" with a Mayor who preaches the MASS KILLING of dogs, yet never preached MASS STERILIZATION...

BASICALLY, TUDOR PENDIUC is determined to push as hard as he can, as President of AMR, so that the Court will reinstate the Norms in the same way they were...

This Mayor of Pitesti has as his mission to really KILL AS MANY DOGS as possible in Romania, no matter what...

AMR ( Romanian Association of Municipalities has an office in Brussell too - representative is Calin Chira -
1 Square de Meeus, 1000 - Bruxelles

Emails here in case you want to express yourselves
TO : pendiuc@pitesti.ro, narcisa.muraru@amr.ro, amr@amr.ro, calin.chira@amr-bruxelles.eu, primaria@primariapitesti.ro

CC: Romanian media
stiri@bzi.ro, office@cotidianul.ro, redactie.online@mediafax.ro
redactie@hotnews.ro, martorocular@realitatea.net, realitatealaraport@realitatea.net, contact@evenimentul.ro, reporter@corect.com, redactia@romanialibera.ro,
contact@antena2.ro, mimpiarr@gmail.com, selectnews.ro@gmail.com, office@agerpres.ro,
centrale@agerpres.ro, headoffice@intactmediagroup.ro, redactie@digi24.ro,
office@b365.ro, redactia@dcnews.ro, adevarullive@adevarul.ro,
stirileprotv@protv.ro, redactia@ziare.com,

BCC - Romanian Embassy in your country from the link bellow

Translation of Mr. Pendiuc letter

Stimate Domnule PRIM-MINISTRU,
Honorable Prime Minister,

Doresc să vă aduc la cunoştinţă că am transmis astăzi 27 iunie 2014 către Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Administraţiei Publice şi Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, în atenţia Domnului Secretar general, adrese prin care informam că am luat la cunoştinţă că, vineri, 20.06.2014, Curtea de Apel Bucureşti a suspendat Normele de aplicare a Legii nr. 258/2013 pentru modificarea şi completarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 155/2001 privind aprobarea programului de gestionare a câinilor fără stăpân, fapt care ar putea conduce la revenirea la situaţia anterioară adoptării legii.
Precizăm că, urmare adoptării Legii nr. 258/2013, problemele legate de câinii fără stăpân s-au diminuat considerabil, în sensul că numărul acestora, existent în teritoriu, a scăzut, în principal, prin cazarea acestora în adăposturi controlate şi gestionate, în condiţii adecvate şi cu respectarea prevederilor legale, de către unităţile administrativ-teritoriale.
În acest context, am adresat celor două ministere rugămintea de a ne sprijini în menţinerea actualelor reglementări, inclusiv prin reprezentarea în faţa instanţelor de judecată.
Cu aleasă consideraţie,
Tudor Pendiuc
Primarul Municipiului Pitesti

Honorable Prime Minister
I want to acknowledge that I have sent today 27 June 2014 by the Ministry of Development and regional public administration and Ministry of Internal Affairs, for the attention of Mr. Secretary General, addresses by which we inform you that I am aware that on Friday, 20.06.2014 , Bucharest Acourt of Appeal suspended the Methodological Norms for the implementation fo the law 258/2013 regarding the management of stray dogs, fact which could lead to the return in the situation we were before the ratification of this law.
We remind our readers that, as a result of adoption of Law No 258/2013, problems associated with the stray dogs have decreased considerably, in the sense that their number, existing in the territory, has fallen, mainly by their accommodation in the shelters controlled and managed, in appropriate circumstances and in compliance with the law.
In this context, we have addressed the two ministries to assist in maintaining our current regulations, including through the representation in court.
