[TRANS] 140620 Chen for The Celebrity Magazine (July Issue) - Captions
1st and 2nd: 
Choice of Equipment: “Rather than buying the equipments in the beginning stage, (I’ve) heard that using different brands in rental shops would be better. Suitable sizes for feet of own have to be continuously checked,” said Chen, who has learned about equipments of wakeboarding. Choosing for his wakeboard and tying a knot by his own.
Practice: Looking at the approach of speedboat. Preparing to enter the water. Showing the confident look after practising for the balancing skill.
Feeling surprised for being able to stand up successfully on the first attempt.
- Not feeling scared at all? - Don't step back and challenge it. - Just go ahead with the water flow - Heart to be opened - With more practices, more skillful actions, including "jump", could be attempted for the next times.
6th and 7th:
Riding happily. Being more mastered in enjoying the interesting ride of wakeboarding than others. Also, attempting to use the skill of "tech". Despite the fall due to imbalance, (Chen) didn't care much and was still smiling.
After ending the ride, drying the body under the sun.