#TimeShiftSunday with @BrooklynDecker  Look what I stumbled across on my bookshelf last night...my token randomly-grabbed-from-the-cover-of-a-magazine dreamgirl stand-in giraffe to consciously replace all images/thoughts of my problematic Stella DeBeer Facebook ex-girlfriend in my mind back in 2010 (after Stella went from trying to convince me to move to TelAviv and live in her oceanside penthouse with her to getting all super-offended when I mocked/questioned her New Age religion and her behavior in general...which resulted in her disappearing from my FB world and life immediately and completely as a result....ironically validating the suspicions I had about her M.O./worldview/behavior in general and unfortunately reminding me that I'm usually pretty much always right in my highly analytical assessment of random strangers' characters...even when I don't want to be...b/c they happen to be extremely rich and good-looking...but, alas, that alone is not enough for my overclocked mind to overlook their relative of lack of intelligence...sense of humor....and highly materialistic personality...but I guess it comes with the territory of of being born an heiress to a...err...THE diamond empire...b/c, having done my homework...I considered to be a complete sham/fraud, and regardless of the insane amounts of money and prestige involved...it's just not an arena and realm I could willfully and wantingly be involved with...so that was that, no more Stella...and suddenly I was thrust back into being completely alone overnight...a scenario I was perfectly comfortable and fine with, having spent the majority of my adult life dating absolutely aesthetically gorgeous women...who were also, more othen than not, completely crazy...so although I was all-too-familiar with the scenario I had recently just been exposed to...again...alas my persona simply cannot tolerate dating extremely good-looking women simply because they are extremely good-looking...unless I'm trying to torture my sanity...so, awhile back, I had promised myself I would not date any girl I wouldn't/couldn't conisdering marrying....in the name of mutally respectfually avoiding the torture where I'm 'supposed to be' had I not spent the last 10 years in of pouring the requisate time and .rdelibrate isolation in my house, alone on the hill acquiring the necessary footage and experience to create my ultimate retroactive reality TV show