sepanjang dunia belum tutup sepanjang dunia belum kiamat kita akan selalu menggoda  menggelitik manusia, supaya lupa kepada Tuhan supaya hidupnya tidak merasa,supaya terbuai kepada kemewahan dunia, supaya manusia lupa kepada alam akhiratnya,akhirnya menjadi teman kita di neraka hahaaaaa #setan #iblis #djinn #jin  #evil #demon throughout the world have not closed all the world yet our doom will always tickle tease humans, so forget the Lord to take his life does not feel so swept up to the luxury of the world, so that people forget the afterlife realm, eventually became our friends in hell hahaaaaa # demon # devil # djinn # # jin # evil demon #islam #Allah enemy of human satan musuh manusia adalah setan!!!!!!!!