TOP vs TOP Event Round 2

From Big Bang's Facebook page:

T.O.P’s “1st PICTORIAL RECORDS [FROM TOP]” contains a wide range of T.O.P’s images.

We want YOU to choose TOP’s best cut! Vote for your favorite cut by tagging your comment with the appropriate hashtag and the footage containing the best cut will be made into a screensaver as a gift to you!

How to participate:
 1. Leave a comment including the hash tag of your favorite cut of TOP
 (ex. #FromTOP #TOPvsTOP #R1_1)
 2. Share the photo with your friends. Make sure to tell your friends your favorite cut of TOP!
 The next round will begin every 11AM (4/1~4/4)!

Event Period:
4/1 - Round 1
 4/2 - Round 2
 4/3 - Round 3
 4/4~4/6 - Final Round
 4/7 - Best cut result announcement
 4/8 - Best cut video screensaver release

You can pre-order the KOREA/CHINA edition of TOP’s ‘1st PICTORIAL RECORDS (FROM TOP)’ @ YesAsia or YG eShop

via: bbu