The next HOLOCAUST in #ROMANIA #BARLAD starts!! The Mayor Constantin Constantinescu picked his DOGS EXTERMINATOR "veterinarian " MENGELE MIHAI BOGHIU! HE DECIDED to BREAK the Romanian Veterinarians Code of Ethics, the Law which regulates the practice of veterinarian medicine, and an important Decision of the National Council of Veterinarians, which DO NOT ALLOW the euthanasia of HEALTHY ANIMALS!

There is NO LAW in Romania to FORCE any veterinarian to KILL healthy dogs (animals). 

Veterinarian Code of Ethics Art.50
Deasemenea, Hotararea nr.24/03.12.2011 
a Consiliului National al Medicilor Veterinari precizeaza ca eutanasierea efectuata asupra cainilor, IN AFARA DE BOLILE INCURABILE, reprezinta abatere disciplinara, fiind interzisa”.,

"The euthanasia performed on DOGS , except the incurable diseases is considered a severe breach of the professional discipline and therefor it is BANNED.

Law for the practice of the profession of veterinarian

BASICALLY... all these "veterinarians" who ACCEPTED ( they are not forced by any law, SHOULD HAVE their licence TAKEN AWAY...

MENGELE MIHAI BOGHIU, the veterinarian DOG KILLER in BARLAD. He is the one who will EXTERMINATE the dogs in BARLAD. This is why he studied veterinary medicine... to KILL DOGS.... 


Romania is a disgrace and we ought to cut them off from all ties with the rest of the world. They are sick sick people!!

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