Can you help me out with a #retweet?? 

Anoka, MN is known as The Halloween Capital of the World! We who call it home can tell you why, but for those who don't know, you can read all about the history of Anoka's transformation into The Halloween Capital of the World, along with a few of the more famous ghost stories that go with it in my upcoming book History and Hauntings of the Halloween Capital from North Star Press of St. Cloud, due to be released September 1st of 2014.

I have been overwhelmed with the response to my book so early in my promoting of it and I have been inspired to write a "sequel" of sorts. I want to hear from you, the townspeople, community members, business owners, former, future and current Anoka residents and admirers! I want to hear YOUR Anoka ghost story! 

Send me an email at and tell me the tale of your paranormal encounter in Anoka (I'll take Andover, Ramsey and Coon Rapids too, the "Anoka Area" is large and wonderful!) Tell me what happened, where it happened, when it happened and what YOU think was happening when you had your supernatural experience. Don't be shy! I am a True Believer-so I believe you! Your personal information will remain confidential! We will discussing your comfort level of releasing names, etc. a little further along in the process when and if necessary!

Don't be shy, again, send me your story to and help me create my next book, Spirits and Specters of the Halloween Capital!