WOW!!! Here's Michael's latest update! I saw him in Charlotte, NC recently and he looked amazing!

Here's what he had to say about his Skinny Fiber journey...

"Looking at my before and after picture, the picture on the left was me before I became permanently disabled due to severe diabetic-peripheral-neuropathy. My HA1c was 9.5, I had bleeding behind both eyes, my kidneys had high protein levels. Then I became disabled and lost the nerve and muscle function in both my feet and my right hand. I had to retire from a six figure job as a union carpenter foreman. I was headed for a collision course with loss of limb or even death. So my "WHY" was pretty much established.

The "HOW" was the hard part. I signed up with a Health and Wellness company called Herbalife and I took their products consistently for 3 years and saw no results at all. I was determined to be consistent with the products but nothing. I actually gained more weight with their products.

Then I came across an all natural supplement called Skinny Fiber which was originally intented as just a weight loss supplement that could be taken alone or with any diet or meal plan. I started taking this product and within 13 months I saw my HA1C go from 9.5 to 5.3. After my numbers came down and I was taken off some of my 11 medications, I started to see consistent weight loss week after week. I now have lost a total of 74.8 pounds and over 36 inches from my body. I got off of 3 diabetic medications, my cholesterol medication and my blood pressure medication.

Unfortunately my disability is getting worse by the day and those medications are increasing. There is no reversing nerve or muscle damage. Once those nerves die and shrivel up, thats it. But just imagine what would of happened if I did not get control of my HA1C. So if your a diabetic, do not wait until it's too late and you get neuropathy.

So once I realized my "WHY" the "HOW" became very important. My best advice, especially if your a diabetic or pre-diabetic is to take Skinny Fiber and be "CONSISTENT" even is you feel its taking too long to see results, it really is getting your body healthy enough to show you those results. "BELEIVE" you can and you "WILL".
Skinny Fiber is a nutritional supplement that can be used by all body types. If you do not need to lose weight but are looking to keep your body healthy, just take 2 capsules twice a day as you would any supplement."

Learn more about the Skinny Body Care 90 Day Challenge -->>