#ClickPIC4Article Coachella Valley #ARABS #MASCOT / #REDSKINS #STEREOTYPES , Front page of Newspaper & Coffee
THERMAL — The illustration is of a stoic, strong-jawed man with a neatly trimmed beard and a white headscarf, face half covered in shadow. Gone are the hooked nose, snaggletooth and villainous smile.
Is this the new face of the Coachella Valley High School mascot, the Arab?
Maybe someday soon, but not quite yet.
On Friday, when King Abdullah II of Jordan visits the Sunnylands Estate in Rancho Mirage to meet with President Barack Obama, an “Arab” mascot that some have deemed offensive will remain at Coachella Valley High, about 20 miles away from the leaders’ summit.
The Coachella Valley Unified School District vowed to change the school’s mascot in November after a civil rights group said it was a villainous stereotyping. However, today, the district has only just begun to consider alternatives, and the old mascot remains unchanged.
READ FULL STORY HERE >>>http://www.mydesert.com/article/20140207/NEWS04/302070006/Coachella-Valley-Unified-proposes-new-Arab-mascot

The following links are for a better understanding of Race-based Mascots & why using human beings as mascots is not a good idea for competitive sports.

C-SPAN Cities Tour - Palm Springs: Agua Caliente Cultural Museum ( 3mins.)

Change the Mascot clip from Democracy Now.  Clip of President Barrack Obama, Bob Costas & Clyde Bellecourt speaking of mascots.  It's not just the name, but the behavior created !  >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckr3y0PLiEc

The Impact of Racist Stereotypes #MASCOTS ( VIDEO begins at 13:00) http://1.usa.gov/1dPXO4o

High school mascot's end sparks mixed reaction among students, alumni at Vallejo High School https://twitter.com/tonyburchyns/status/403941696842366976 http://www.timesheraldonline.com/news/ci_24577753/mascots-end-sparks-mixed-reaction

POWER OF SOUND / THE SPOKEN WORD  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pAsoZx4Ztw&feature=youtu.be