Fire and brimstone. The words repeating  constantly throughout his skull, rebounding amongst the twisted corridors of his mind. It had become all he knew when the world had ended. But that wasn't true. I knew of other things. Of Flesh, torn asunder, by people he once knew; the people now mockeries of life, their decaying meat revealing bloodied grins, hungering for my own skin. I ran for so long. But you can only run so far, until you realize there isn't anywhere left. Today I made my newest home in the crumbling corpse of what was once a great skyscraper, now a perfect haven from the hordes of the plague-ridden. I crept into my cot, falling into slumber at the burning skies, as ash darkened them, beckoning night. The world was fire and brimstone.
My body awoke to screams. I hesitated, self-preservation had become my savior despite the sin; the other Savior I knew abandoned me long ago. But, acting on what was left of a moral compass, I rushed from my hiding spot onto a nearby stairway, and begun the descent, hoping I would not be too late.