A nationwide campaign is calling for more action to be taken to #preserve the #architectural #heritage of #Lebanon.

The #Beruit-based #Rashya Plastic Arts Workshop said that due to the decline in the number of traditional homes over the last decade, the drive would focus on photographing traditional architecture across the country and holding exhibitions as well as showing documentaries.

It is intended that every town will have its own exhibition so residents can learn about the importance of their traditional building design. “Our heritage today is being destroyed across the country, whether deliberately or not, and especially our #cultural #heritage, which includes many homes,” said Marwa Alwan who is leading the project.

The campaign, entitled Stop – Bring me Back, will be carried out alongside local and municipal authorities and the governmental #tourism and culture ministries.

It will also provide lessons about #restoration in each #municipality and work closely with #architects and #engineers.

Literature specific to each town will be distributed following the exhibitions and will also be presented to municipalities, in order to promote funding for restoration.

The booklets will also be presented to urban planners to encourage laws to curb what restorers feel is a prevalence of building permits.

The campaign is also intended to raise awareness about architectural heritage preservation through tourist publications and by working with the country’s Foreign Ministry and various Lebanese embassies across the world it is also aimed at both expatriates and tourists.

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