South of Hell (Louis Kincaid Mysteries) book download

P.J. Parrish

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  Genre: Fiction- Adult: Suspense, Thriller,  Mystery  How I got it: . Parrish South of Hell  P.J.   south of hell  cover. No Image        .  Title: South of Hell (Louis Kincaid Mysteries). Parrish - drey ;s libraryThe Little Death by P.J. But the writing and the characters more than made up for it. ParrishAlthough it doesn ;t really set the scene for the strange case that the character  Louis Kincaid  faces, it certainly grabbed my attention and made me want to read on. Parrish. . in Florida receives a call from Jake Shockley, a police detective working cold cases in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where Kincaid grew up and was a cop at one time. Usually I have a few reservations about mixing paranormal and murder  mysteries , but I completely bought this plot. Moving on, I have Bad Blood by Arne Dahl . Synopsis: Dig up the past. Parrish was a delight to read