Goodreads For Authors: How To Use Goodreads To Promote Your Books book download

Michelle Campbell-Scott

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The better you .   "An easy-to-use, informative, step-by-step guide for all authors, especially new ones, seeking to use Goodreads as a valued marketing tool." - Cheryl Kaye Tardif.  Easy, buy a copy of Michelle Campbell-Scott ;s excellent  Goodreads For Authors: How To Use Goodreads To Promote Your Books .    Goodreads  giveaways are a fantastic way to  promote your book  across the site and give it serious visibility.   For example, if  your book  is a recipe  book ,  use  hashtags such as #foodchat. . They generate.   It gets better–when you reach out via  Goodreads , you can  use  their groups to find the exact audience  your book  targets. The best way to  promote your book  on  GoodReads  is to host a giveaway . Last week, Amazon bought the social  book -discussion site  Goodreads  for an undisclosed sum.   ;Downloads  Goodreads For Authors: How To Use Goodreads  To Pro .   A presentation on how best to use the Goodreads platform to promote your book.  Writers: Use Goodreads To Promote Your Books  5 ways to make Goodreads a powerful promotion and publicity machine to spread the word about your writing and books.  Getting on the  Promotion  bandwagon for  your book  | Today ;s  Author Review others ;  books  (either on Amazon,  Goodreads  or on  your  own blog), giving them honest feedback. 2. The best way to familiarize yourself with  Goodreads  is to  use  it as a reader.   As a  Goodreads Author , you can add  your books  to  your Goodreads  Bookshelf, either by manually adding it by supplying all the information about  your books  or by using the add feature that searches for  your book  from several  book  .  Joseph A. You can create a special Q&A  author  group, where you  take  readers ;