SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON #DENMARK !! Fido died today.
He was killed by the Danish government because of how he looks like.

Fido had committed no crime, he didn't hurt any one. Fido is the victim. Another victim of Denmark's Breed Specific Legislation that has killed thousands of innocent dogs already. And more to follow!

SHAME on the Danish government - SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!!

Denmark has one of the most strict dog breed bans in the world. On July 1 of 2010, Denmark has banned 12 breeds and 13 more are lined up, making it a total of 25 breeds to be banned in the near future.

Since the breed ban has been passed, over 400.000 dogs are in danger in Denmark. The Government has introduced reverse burden of proof, so the owners of Dogs that look like these breeds, now have to proof that they are not, which, as we all know, can not be done with DNA. If the families of these dogs can't lift the burden of proof - the dog will be killed.

DENMARK: Stop judging and ultimately killing these dogs based on your ignorance and look at the facts!

Breed bans have failed in all other countries in Europe, including Spain, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Scotland, the UK and many others world wide.

It will fail in Denmark, too because the problem with dogs is not dogs. It's people. And laws that continue to focus on dogs and not on the owners are destined to fail because they are targeting the wrong end of the leash. This has been true throughout the world -- and study after study proves it.

Focusing on responsible dog ownership is the solution, not targeting dogs based on their shape.

PLEASE SIGN THESE 2 PETITIONS to urge Denmark to repeal the Breed Ban:

Thank you!

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