#VoteRigging #TPP #ISD #CFR #NWO #USA Breaking '08 Pledge, Leaked Doc Shows #Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations - YouTube→ http://bit.ly/Nmgw9S DemocracyNow.org -A draft agreement leaked Wednesday shows the Obama administration is pushing a  secretive trade agreement that could vastly expand corporate power and directly contradict a 2008 campaign  promise by President Obama. A U.S. proposal for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact between the United States and eight Pacific nations would allow foreign corporations operating in the U.S. to appeal key regulations to an international tribunal. The body would have the power to override U.S. law and issue penalties for failure to comply with its ruling. We speak to Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, a fair trade group that posted the leaked documents on its website. "This is not just a bad trade agreement," Wallach says. "This is a 1% power tool that could rip up our basic needs and rights."

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@ric_koshimizu #JAPAN #TOKYO ↓
Hello, #America ns! TPP "Trans-Pacific Partnership" is New World Order! Σ(゚д゚;)

From Japan .
I made ​​this video with reference to the opinions of Internet journalists(Richard Koshimizu). @ric_koshimizu 

Hello, Americans!
"democracy now" is telling the truth.
Please watch the video of right adjacent.
I did not know the purpose of the "TPP" until now.
I finally understood.
TPP"Trans-Pacific Partnership" = New World Order. #NWO 
Jewish Trotskyist in Washington is trying to run the Anarcho-capitalism.
You guys are victim.
I think you guys should be angry with 1%.
1% = CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).
Wake up! americans!
Let's spread the information!

Breaking '08 Pledge, Leaked Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations


2013/3/3 18:13

最新の記事へ投稿させていただきますm(_ _)m いつもブログと講演会中継を楽しく拝見していますw(^-^)w いつもの如くRK言説を参考にさせていただき下記の動画を作成しました。

"Hello, Americans! TPP"Trans-Pacific Partnership" is New World Order! Σ(゚д゚;)"


簡潔に結論(TPP = New World Order by #CFR )を伝える内容にしました。 無政府資本主義というキーワードも記載しています。 "Trans Pacific Partnership"で検索すると上位3位以内、"TPP"で検索すると上位20位以内に表示されます。 まずまずの滑り出しですかね(^_^;) いや~、Youtube内は反TPP動画で氾濫していますね。 うれしいことです! 今回気が付いたのですが、日本向けと欧米向けのwikiでは内容が違いますね(-_-;)


