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  Ace of Wands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Ace of Wands is a fantasy-based British children's television show broadcast on ITV between 1970 and 1972, created by Trevor Preston and Pamela Lonsdale and produced.   The Artist's Inner Vision Tarot - Ace of Wands  Ace of Wands. RU.   ACE OF WANDS (1970) - Cast and Crew - WDW = Who's Dating Whom. CN. AU. Wands is the suit of fire,. After all, I'm sure the production company had put a lot of effort in producing this and trashing it like I. IN. CA. Country: US. Documentaries.   Ace of Wands pictures, plot summary, trivia, quotes, news, reviews, cast, crew.. Well actually that's being very harsh. PH.  Name: Ace of Wands | Type: Family | Run Time: 1970 - 1972 Network: IMDB rating:        . Title: Ace of Wands (1970–1972) 7 /10. NL.   Ace of Wands -  Worse movie ever