Buy Ninja the Protector Movie Online

Ninja the Protector movie download

Richard Harrison
Mike Tien
Warren Chan
Andy Chworowsky
David Bowles
Clifford Allen
Vera Chang
Morna Lee

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Director: Godfrey Ho.   Ninja: The Protector.   Ninja The Protector - Full Movie - [1986] - Project Ninja. For (im)mature audiences only.   Project Ninja Daredevils (1986) - IMDb . A terrifically sordid Hong Kong sin-soaked saga of nude models, bar girls, and biker chicks are the background to.  (but as per usual in these movies) there's just not enough ninja activity on offer here which proves a.   Ninja The Protector - Shitcase Cinema - YouTube  The 3rd in our ninja movie reviews after Ninja Dragon & Ninja Terminator.   Another unforgettable exercise in ninja-mania.   Ninja The Protector - Full Movie - [1986] - Project Ninja Daredevils - English - Dubbed Plot: Two brothers, Warren and David, try to defeat the evil forger. Contains strong language.   You can see a few short clips of this movie on You Tube. Stars: Richard Harrison. Wow! It is seriously lacking Two white guys with no clue, wearing walmart hooded rain suits, with eye make-up. The Ultimate Ninja Collection: Ninja the Protector.        .   Ninja: The Protector - Hong Kong Film Net - Hong Kong movie. Ninja the Protector: Jackie Chan, Richard Harrison. Please note all reviews