Roundabout American Film

Roundabout American movie download

Chris Boykin
Rom Barkhordar
Venessa Nicole Rodriguez
Torey Adkins
Édouard Giard
Marielle de Rocca-Serra
Howie Johnson
Michael Gellman
Patrick Zielinski
Mary Jo Faraci

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  Wexler wraps ‘Roundabout American’ comedy feature | Chicago.   Roundabout American Trailer - YouTube  The trailer for Roundabout American, a comedy that follows the adventures of Alex,.   Roundabout American (2012) - IMDb  A young French chef with a fondness for America and a life in shambles pushes the limits of the American Dream by converting a Chicago pizza shop into an escort.   Roundabout American  Roundabout American - the film.         .   ROUNDABOUT AMERICAN |  Con artistry appears to be the way to the American dream in this wacky locally made comedy that features Chicago types galore, from on-the-take politicos and hustling.  while making a film that is.  For more information about the film go to  Film Threat - Roundabout American  Casting the Republicans as the driving criminal element in town is one thing, but having a pizza-and-escort bash disguised as a Republican event that descends into an. The world of the movie and the joker portrayed by Jack.   WRITER / DIRECTOR BORIS WEXLER of Escape Films has wrapped postproduction on the feature comedy Roundabout American starring French.  A young French chef with a fondness for America pushes the limits of the American Dream by converting a Chicago pizza shop into a.   Roundabout American (2012) - Full cast and crew offers representation listings for over 120,000 individuals, including actors, directors, and producers, as well as company and employee contact details.   Roundabout American  Edouard Giard —Alex Edouard fell in love with film when he was six years old as he saw Tim Burton's Batman