#stopanimalabuse in #Bosnia #Herzegovina , country's of barbarians like Ibrahim Hadžibajrić 
The HORROR Shelter in Hreša
As you all already saw, Hreša shelter is open again. Three months ago we did everything to close that „shelter“ and we did it. Few days ago, some people contacted me and said that Hreša works again. With other activists I went there to check that information. Unfortunately, they were right! After we closed Hresa three months ago, their director Slavko Jovicic was obviously very disappointed because, without incomes from municipalities who financed Hresa, he was in desperate situation.

According to, yet to be confirmed information, major of one of Sarajevo municipalities made a contract with Hresa. Same source informed me that contract included request to pick up 50 dogs a day of the streets of given municipality. Bosnia and Hercegovina has no kill animal protection and rights law which bans euthanasia. In Republika Srpska things are different as they don’t accept law of the BiH (even though they were obliged to) and they work according to old law from 2008. which gives them right to kill dog after 30 days period. They even don’t fully comply to this old regulation and most often kill dogs as soon as possible. This happened at Hresa three months ago when they killed 52 dogs in one night.

This “shelters” are set up mostly as money laundering machines for government and some private individuals in order to enable them to steel money. One of the big problems is employees who should be called butchers more then regular people. They treat dogs in horrific manner and they have silent approval from Republika Srpska authorities.

Few of us, including myself, were there today and found 20 dogs lying around in cages at bare concrete at -6 degrees temperature. Only food we found was some pieces of old frozen bread and water was frozen too. Even though we brought some dry food employees didn’t allow us to feed them and they left empty bellies.

In all this story biggest concern of us is that if this contract proves to be true this would mean that all of dogs from given municipality will be caught and killed in terrible way. Even if we let them do this for one municipality there is always chance that they will move one on the next one and kill most of the dogs in city. I personally believe this to be true as everyone is trying to fish for a few cheep political points one expense of poor street dogs. O n the other side what to do if we end up with 50 killed innocent dogs every day?

In a two days we are going to have meeting with municipality major and see if this is true and to what degree.

Information on this shelter is compiled in the following links:


How to help the Bosnian stray animals and their advocates

Bosnian activists have received information that dogs from Sarajevo are being rounded up to be killed at the Hreša-shelter. According to their sources, the mayor of one of the Sarajevo municipalities, Mr. Ibrahim Hadžibajrić has allegedly paid Serbs from Republic of Srpska, already 10.000,- Euro to do this.

Instead of carrying out an effective spay & neutering campaign and running non-corrupt and effective shelters, they are choosing murder and a source claims that they intend to kill 50 animals a day.

There are already 20 dogs at Hresa, including puppies, without proper water and food - only frozen bread and frozen water - and visitors were not allowed to feed them!

Bosnian activists fear that the stray dogs of Sarajevo, after being rounded up, will be killed in the most horrible ways, like they have done in the past using axes and iron bars...

Here's what we need you to do:

1) Please sign the 3 petitions by clicking on the big buttons below (the petitions will open in a new tab), asking the authorities to finally set up a central register for dogs, to end all puppy mills and backyard breeding, and to finally punish the abandonment of animals! We want the authorities to do their work and not go the easiest way to them, because it could lead to a thousandfold slaughter of dogs. The main goal is to prevent the suspension of the law!  

The last petition calls for an investigation of the horror-shelter in Hresa.
