An act to amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act to authorize the design and construction of additions to the parking garage and certain site improvements, and for other purposes. book download

United States Congress House of Represen

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Government Printing Office] Union Calendar No.  Act to authorize the design and construction of additions to the parking garage and certain site improvements,. Kennedy Center ACT to Authorize the Design and Construction of Additions to the Parking Garage and Certain Site Improvements, and for.   United States Congress - An ACT to Amend the John F.  garage and certain site improvements.  amend the John F. 472 105th Congress, 2d Session.   An ACT to Amend the John F. Kennedy Center Parking Improvement Act. S.   House Report 105-831 - HRPT105-831  [House Report 105-831] [From the U.S.   105–95 John F. Government Printing Office] Union Calendar.         .   An ACT to Amend the John F.   Summary of Activities H.Rpt.   72602102.html    Public and Private Laws: Browse 105th Congress - .   An ACT to Amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act to authorize the design and construction. Kennedy