Top 10 Issues and Hashtags used by #NDNZ in 2012

It’s the end of another year and time to take a look back at what the twitter twibe found most interesting in 2012.  What follows is a list of the most popular hash tags referenced on #NDNZ over the past year:
1.)	#ElizabethWarren is not #Cherokee  The exposure of Warren as just another wannabe with no real knowledge about our issues dominated the twitter-sphere this year. Stories about #racism from Warren supporters on a Native Facebook pages dominated our hash tag this year, although it largely went unnoticed in the mainstream media.  The best source of info on this is Polly’s Granddaughter’s blog:

2.)	#Indigenous #activism around the #KeystoneXL was the second most popular topic this year on #NDNZ . #Indigenous - #green alliance and #activism around protection of the #environment was a big issue in #NDN country in 2012.  The best source of info on this topic was Brenda Norell’s Censored News:

3.)	#Libertarian #racism , disrespect and exploitation of the #environment was the 3rd most tweeted topic.  #NDNZ chimed in about how inherently antithetical Libertarian beliefs are to traditional values.

4.)	#CulturalAppropriation was the 4th most tweeted topic.  From Johnny Depp to Victoria’s secret to a generation of  clueless #hipsters – just about every non celebrity in the country felt the need to amuse themselves with #racist #stereotypes about #POC and #WOC  The best source of information on this was Adrienne K’s blog Native Appropriations:

5.)	#Rez suicide, alcohol abuse and the horrible conditions that #FirstNations people live under on the reservation was the 5th most popular topic.

6.)	#ChiefSpence’s hunger strike to draw attention the conditions at #Attawapiskat Best source of information: Aboriginal People’s Television Network #Cdnpol
CBC image gallery:

7.)	#PineRidge conditions the #Whiteclay anti-alcohol protests and charity drives for propane to stop people from freezing to death was the 7th most tweeted topic on #NDNZ this year.

8.)	#LeonardPeltier and the movement to #FreePeltier was the 8th most tweeted topic. #MichaelMoore and several celebrities joined to cause to free Peltier, a political prisoner falsely imprisoned for over 3 decades. Best source on information:

9.)	The #1491s off the hook sketch comedy was the #1 most popular cultural tweet and the 9th most popular tweet overall Nothing is sacred in the 1491s parody of those who think the sacred can be learned in workshops or sold on the internet.  Creative #N8ivz in the 1941s also presented prosaic poetry and shout outs for those who represent #aaayyyeee
1491s YouTube channel:

10.)	Debunking the #2012 hoax was the 10th most tweeted topic.  The best source of info to blast though the mythology created by #newage #pagan hysteria over a non-existent prophesy is this site:
To learn about the state of indigenous peoples in Guatemala go here:,,MRGI,,GTM,,4e16d37246,0.html