Backstory: Shade or Shades were once normal souls wandering the planes, like us looking for a purpose, looking for a reason of being, wanting to become what he, she, or even it wanted to be. As a wandering soul, you could become whatever you wanted, control any element you wanted, be whoever you wanted. However, some souls are not as fortunate as us. Shades are souls, never able to find a purpose, never to achieve what they wanted. They were easily corrupted by the dark magics of the land, corrupted by Nulgath himself. They became mutated changing them into something even different. They lost their identities as they were tainted, never to be identified as an individual. They became headless spectres, any evidence of their former selves, their former lives, gone. their only purpose was to serve Nulgath, and consume souls. They became lost souls, and even more than just that. They were corrupted, tainted, dark, they became evil. They
started feeding on the souls of the living, and even devoured the souls of the dead, all souls of the dead, recent dead, or even the long dead.. Shades can devour souls, and in turn of
each soul they devour they became much stronger. Nulgath saw this ability of theirs something of use, constantly attacking the helpless in order to feed the shades of their endless appetite for souls to make them stronger, but for what purpose?

Player Control:You're dead, mortal, now become my power.
Enemy Control:I am your misfortune, now you die.
Victory Quote:Another soul for my collection, my power grows.


1-hit:Character fades out black and fades-in black behind the enemy and strikes them from below with a shadow spike

2-hit:Extend your arm out and attack the enemy with two dark tendrils

3-hit:Fade out black, and your character turns into 3 shadow scythes that then fly across the screen striking your enemy 3-times, then your character fades back in. 

5-hit:Raise your hand and create a vortex of pure dark energy around your target, striking them multiple times.

1-piercing x1
2-attack x4
5-attack x3
5-shield x2
Poison x2
Empower x1
Void Reflection x1
Mark Of Death x1
Sacrifice x1

New Card(If possible, just another idea):Dark Tendrils:Charge:7 Attack for 4 unblockable damage and stun the target for 1 turn.