Well, happy birthday Bruno! will wish you all the happiness one can have, you have good health, much peace, you find someone who makes you really happy for the rest of your life, you still have a long walk ahead, you have much success, many hooligans, know that despite all this distance, never stopped loving you, every km apart, my love is bigger and stronger! every day you give me reason to get out of bed, just to breathe, every day is a smile only way to know that you are well, I thank you for having gone after your dreams, I can not imagine my life without I met you, I wanted to thank you for smiling everyday, for being the reason of my smile, I wanted to thank you for everything you do, without even knowing! and I want to say I love you, too, and do not know how to repay everything that you do, all that you love me passes by your smile, by a computer screen! Thank you, you are very happy!
love you my angel forever @BrunoMars