Once in a blue Moon!!

The second full moon in a this month. Aug 1 and August 31, 20102.

A blue moon is really the second full moon of the month and it will grace the night sky tonight, Friday, August 31. Despite its colorful name, there's nothing particularly blue about a blue moon, so don't expect to see a different hue.

People with less than ideal viewing conditions can watch the lunar event online. The Slooh Space Camera will broadcast the moon starting at 6 p.m. with a feed from the Prescott Observatory in Arizona and an observatory in the Canary Islands. The broadcast will honor Neil Armstrong, whose funeral is coincidentally, today reports TIME.com .

#Bluemoon, #Fullmoon, #PrescottObservatory , #canaryislands , #Secondfullmoon , #Nasa ,   #neilarmstrong 
