YES! Today's #BluRay & single #DVD Haul! Been looking forward to seeing "Juan Of The Dead", since I missed it on the Big Screen Theatrically. I wish this had come out on BluRay though. FINALLY! I have a BluRay copy of "Jaws" (1975), which I've surprisingly never owned before!? (you'd be surprised how many #ClassicMovies I DON'T have!). "Kill List" looks great and "The Raid: Redemption" is probably the best theatrically released #movie I've seen this year! (and I'm not the world's biggest #ActionMovies Fan!). I highly recommend just blind-buying that one! Trust me! #movie #movies #Jaws #JawsMovie #TheRaid #TheRaidRedemption #KillList #JuanOfTheDead #horror #drama #action #suspense #thriller #shark #sharks #Classics #mob #MobMovies #HitMan #psychological #psychologicalHorror