"....One day during the roundup, the wranglers located a beautiful large Jack (i.e. a male burro). They began chasing him until they literally ran him to collapse. One of the wranglers said, “Oh he has had a heart attack and died” so he started jumping up and down on the Jack’s abdomen. He would pick his head up by his ears and slam the head into the ground. The burro was exhausted he had no way to fight back. He was not dead when they left him. He was bleeding from the nose and the mouth. Chances are when the so-called “cowboy” jumped up and down on the Jack’s abdomen it probably crushed ribs, which punctured lungs. He may have even crushed the skull. 

The wranglers asked a film crew present at the scene if they would use this film against them..."

Leslie Peeples
From~Wild Horse Education
 In 2005 this wild burro was purposefully and brutally killed during a roundup by contractors. (details in below link) The very same contractors who are doing the Bullfrog, Nv roundup in just 3 days. We must have an observer at the roundup, to document and to let them know they are being watched so this kind of thing never happens again. Please do your part to help by contributing to our field team So we can protect the burros. It does not matter how small the donation is, it all helps us stay out in the field!! Share please and thanks so much for helping Americas Wild Horses and Burros!
 The burro story~
 donate please ~ http://wildhorseeducation.org/mission-statement/donate/