RT Oprah Winfrey @Oprah 
She's preaching now y'all." When you walk into a theatre you want to experience a human event" #ViolaDavis 

"HEROES Lesson B/Modern-day heroes. 
Vocabulaty link. Today's heroes.
 A- Read about of today's heroes. Pay attention to worlds in blue. 
Three Modern-day Heroes.
 Name: Bono From: Dublin, Ireland Occupation(s): Musician. He is a singer and songwriter with the band U2. Activist. He helps the poor and homeless, and works for world peace. 

Name: Arundhati Roy From: Kerala, India Occupation(s): novelist. She is best known for her book The God of Small Things. Activist for PEACE. She often speaks against war and violence. Name: 

@Opha Winfrey From: Missisipi, U.S.A. Occupation(s): Talk-show host, actress and businesswoman. Every year Winfrey donates millions of dollars to help people. She gives to charities. These charities help children, student, the sick, and the poor all over the world...."