17 Years ago, on 14 Semptiembre 1994 a Wednesday, naciaa THE ♥ ...! The cutest of all .. The most beautiful .. Today everything a man..  met his dream of becoming Director, and on top you got your own clothing! I congratulate  just 17 ​​years you are fulfilling your dreams .. If there is anything you would like to thank Justin qe, is that because I knew you, and thanks to him I can be your Faan today! ♥ I hope you have a beautiful day and  a Happy Birthday to the distance! Hopefully you come to Latin America with Justin, how to say the rumors! It would be a dream come true! Nothing but that qe .. Tee Amo ♥ and I hope Fulfilling Your Dreams Follow qe, xq dont really deserve it! Tee Amoo ♥ ♥ # BUTLERLOVER FOR EVER! ♥