Awesome #GOP #reagandebate although it started out as "The Perry Romney Show: featuring RonPaul." #Decision2012 My Analysis:
#Perry looked like the winner for his debate debut. Shake on #science and #HPV. Strong on taking Texas governing style to the White House. Very GeorgeW-like.
#Romney was equally strong and embraced by the audience. Although he seemed to distance himself from the Tea Party a lot.
#RonPaul was a crowd favorite. He'll always be ready to court "Reagan Democrats" and remind voters he voted for Reagan.
#Newt was classic Newt. Never backs down from taking on media spin.
#Bachmann had a couple good soundbites, but overall her talking time was short and not her strongest.
#Cain's take away was "9-9-9 Tax Reform."
#Huntsman and #Santorum seemed to fade in the convo.