OK, my most shameful secret is that the first design project I got at art college was to create a series of pictograms. Taking an animal and reducing it down to create an iconic shape.

Keen to impress, I set about the task with great gusto, until I realised that I just couldn't do it. Passion turned to panic and I searched for inspiration. I came across the perfect thing. It was a pictogram of a Lion. I'd never seen it before and assumed it was a small thing and they wouldn't mind if I borrowed it. So I completely ripped it off, submitted it and received the huge praise that I'd been dreaming of. End of story.

Until the week later it was revealed as the new Team GB logo, ready for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. And was lovingly featured on every object you might hope to find in any good supermarket. As well as featuring on TV commercials and in print advertising. You get the picture.

I learned a very valuable lesson that day. 

Stuart Watson @stuwdesigner

Stuart works at Venture Three and led the Little Chef rebrand that has recently won widespread praise and features absolutely no animal pictograms.