Dear @sprousearts, @TheDebbyRyan, @MattTimmons, #ColeSprouse, #BrendaSong, #PhillLewis, see what you've made through these years. A lot of people loving each other, agreeing with each other, and having the same passion. And now that #SuiteLife is going to end, and ALL these people are united for the great event... The event that no one of us has been waiting. See? All these people (and EVEN MORE!) are crying and being sad for the end of the TV show. I think it's not your fault. And i think that if Disney would have given you the chance for an another season.. You would have taken it. But, it's ok. We all Suite Life Fans are the best in the world, and even if our passion is going to end.. We will support it FOREVER.. That's why Suite Life won't never die, because every heart of us will always have you guys, and the tv show. 
I think i can sign this speech for all the fans of #SuiteLife
Love you.