1- Miss Scarlet (Isa Qassim): is the resident femme fatale in the game. She’s the ringleader, planning both in the country and outside to reach her goal and force out the leadership of the country. She rolls first in the game and the rest follow. The Bahraini version of the Anti-Christ.

2- Colonel Mustard (Hassan Mushayma): is the stock character of a great hunter and colonial imperialist. He is usually a military man both dignified to the terrorist organization known as “Alhaq” and dangerous. When he speaks, the sheep follow. A step away from his grave.

3- Mrs. White (Ali Salman): is the stock portrayal of a frazzled servant to her Mistress (Miss Scarlet),but also had a couple of divergent characterizations: portrayed as “Noora” the cross dresser, “Aliyah Salman” the leader of a semi-authorized society acknowledging violence called “Alwefaq” and finally the “Biatch” because she’s pushed around by leaders and a servant to their “needs”. We still aren’t sure if she’s a man or a woman.

4- Reverend Green (Mariam Al Khawaja): this rather confusing character has been given two different personas in the Clue World. Originally patented as hypocritical monk who weakens when it comes to the Sixth Commandment, murder. Rev. Green has also been seen as money-oriented roles from mobster to businessman. This character is the spokesperson of the terrorist organization and is known for exploiting lies. If all goes against him, he plays the “Human Rights” card. He is the designer of “Ready to Die for Bahrain” T-shirts.

5- Mrs. Peacock (Saeed Shehabi): this stock character is of a grand dame, an elderly yet still attractive to loners, outcasts and the gay community. She maintains her dignity only with International News Networks. She was the founder of a group called “Ahrar Al Bahrain” and only has 4 members in her so called group, which is why she rolls fifth in the game. She is of no importance.

6- Professor Plum (Abduljalil Sankis): an absent-minded professor. Often depicted as either a middle aged fellow with a bow tie and glasses, he’s seen by the terrorists as “the brain”. He plays the role of the smart intellectual, yet behind the scenes is a weak conspirator who has served sentence in jail several of times for failed attempts and pathetic plots. He rolls last in the game because he is a minor character who could easily be caught and thrown in jail again. If this was a game of Monopoly, he would be.

7- Dr. Black (Nabil Rajab): this stock character plays the generic victim, he is the unseen host who is injured all for the sake promoting “peace”. This character has been a sole conspirator with international countries mainly Israel to fight against the leadership. He is a pimp to the Iranian government, yet goes under disguise as a Jewish rabbi to confuse the people. He doesn’t roll in the game, because he will be murdered- very soon if not by the government, then by Al Qaeda.