Marilyn's Routine-Her Famous Leisurely Lateness-Why others go too Fast-and being a Perfectionist in her Work:

''I get up early in the morning..I jump into my clothes..get my belongings together.. get in the car..and i have a driver who brings me to the studio..then i have somebody here who makes me my breakfast..then they start with the hair and the makeup and I eat while they are doing my hair-then they leave it that way while the makeup man does the makeup and they comb out the hair later-and then they put on the body makeup and the clothes.

I don't like to rush this process.....because i find if i very tired, by the time I have to do a scene, I'm all worn out from rushing through the hair, the makeup, and the clothes, so i like to do it leisurely, I like to dress when I go out in the evening..I love to dress leisurely, I like to soak in the tub then leisurely...i like music.. ::giggle::

I think that we're rushing too much nowadays, that's why people get nervous.

Well i dont think I'm late all the time, but maybe it is because I can't go as fast as other people. You know people that get into automobiles, they run into each other, because they never stop, they're going like that--and I don't think that man-kind it is intended for them to go like that, they're not supposed to be like machines.

I think you get more done the other way by doing it more sensibly.....more leisurely.

Mr. Cukor has been very wonderful to me, he lets me come in an hour later than I usually would, it helps because im fresher at the end of the day, he said, he does it for my work and I think it's so. I think actors in movies work too long hours, the hours are too long, sometimes I feel a doom set over me as I'm walking on the stage, I don't know why, but I get over it, sometimes it lasts all day! I want to do the best that I could do in that moment, when the camera starts until it stops, that moment I want to be perfect, as perfect as I could make it.''