the 19 Senators who voted to censor the internet this morning:

* Patrick J. Leahy — Vermont
* Herb Kohl — Wisconsin
* Jeff Sessions — Alabama
* Dianne Feinstein — California
* Orrin G. Hatch — Utah
* Russ Feingold — Wisconsin
* Chuck Grassley — Iowa
* Arlen Specter — Pennsylvania
* Jon Kyl — Arizona
* Chuck Schumer — New York
* Lindsey Graham — South Carolina
* Dick Durbin — Illinois
* John Cornyn — Texas
* Benjamin L. Cardin — Maryland
* Tom Coburn — Oklahoma
* Sheldon Whitehouse — Rhode Island
* Amy Klobuchar — Minnesota
* Al Franken — Minnesota
* Chris Coons — Delaware

This should be a list of shame.