Amazing Accident on I-90 just north of Deer Lodge in Washington State! 
     This all began with a 22 year old driver who left central Washington very early in the morning.  After driving for a few hours he started feeling drowsy...  Thinking he could fight off the urge to sleep, he kept on driving. Only to drift off into a deep and peaceful sleep while still sitting behind the wheel with his foot firmly placed on the gas peddle ~ speeding down the highway.  When visions of sugar plums were dancing in his head... his vehicle was drifting off the right shoulder and hitting the end section of highway guard-rail at high speed.    The guard-rail, now much like a guided-missile began it's entry through the right headlight into the vehicle's engine compartment, then tearing through the firewall and, with the sound and energy of an express freight train...exploding out of glove box!  Causing the driver then awake from his peaceful slumber!!!  Only able to hang on for his dear life as his vehicle still in cruse-control at full speed continued it path as the guard-rail ripped through the passenger compartment tearing through both front and rear seats like a food blender  then exploding out the rear window.     "It all happened so fast!!"   

The mighty suburban still continued with it's V-8 engine racing as it still pushing-on as the guard-rail now impaling into the vehicle further and further only in the end... grinding it to an abrupt stop after an amazing"120 Feet" of guard-rail had completely skewered through the vehicle!   

Then... was quiet...  The Mighty V-8 had given it's last gasp!    The driver... slowly emerged from the smoking wreckage... that only seconds before, was a Chevrolet Suburban. Now looked much different as it sat skewered and on the side of the road...  Now resembling a metal toothpick stuck through a steel olive!

Remarkable news as it is... 

The driver walked away with no "physical injures" and  no other vehicles were involved in his sleepy mishap.    

Which leaves us with only one last question...   That after such a close call and such a wild ride... by a sleepy driver.   We hope (Sir Lancelot) has learnt his lesson:     "That it's much wiser to pull over and take a quick nap than... to skewer your suburban..."                                     
