British Censorship is Dictatorship

The truth never benefits from censorship. British Censorship is
dictatorship.  Dictatorship is when those in power no longer trust the
people.   A government that doesn’t trust its own people can’t serve
its people, its people serve it.  This is Police State Britain of
today, where it is all tried and tested,  particularly on John Bull's
other island of occupied Ireland with their sectarian creations of two
Scum States.

In British Occupied Ireland, British sponsored death squads still roam
and intimidate. Indiscriminate no warning bombings by the British are
still a threat, political assassination of the opposition still a

Political internment, sanitized still exists, as well as Imprisoned
torture, kangaroo courts, special powers acts, disappeared
journalists, child rape as a political tool. Persistent violation of
human rights still continue the oppression, justified under the
pretext and cover of a pseudo peace process, in both of  their British
Scum States.

Stop and search powers, arbitrary arrest and detention without trial,
along with its continued brutalization of political prisoners are all
censored. Censored too, the still sectarian nature of its creation of
a Scum State of a ‘Protestant state for a Protestant people’, in the
north of the island, where Catholics, are in fact still third class
citizens, to the British monarchy and its privileged class of Lords
and Ladies, with a further layer, on the basis of religious
affiliation in occupied Ireland, still subject to discrimination in
jobs, housing, education and social attitudes.

Conscientious political opponents, aside from being interned, have
been shot dead in cold blood, unarmed by the by their sponsored gangs,
who are sponsored and have been given carte blanche by the British,
to murder political dissidents with censored impunity at will.

Political child rape is still politically correct and rampant in both
Scum States, with political legislation and political enablers at the highest lever, still 'systemic' to both Scum States, while censored, journalists  are
'DISAPPEARED', murdered, threatened, intimidated, as part of an
enforced media blackout by the British, in both parts of John Bull's
other island of Irish Scum State's media mafia. Officially it doesn't
exist of course, under Britain's Official Secret's Act.

Join THE CAUSE for REAL PEACE with JUSTICE in Ireland, NOW ! -