Sing along here:

Drag the field, Mangan
Mangan, drag the field
Chipper didn't hit again last night 
And Bobby thinks he’s healed 
Better keep your fingers crossed, 
And hope his swing comes ‘round 
Bobby's gonna come and fire us all 
If he keeps flying out

Drag the field, Mangan 
I heard that Cox was seen 
Cursing at ol’ Bucknor 
Up at the line again 
Bobby's got that goddamn 
cigar in his mouth
If he goes on the rampage 
You'll have to hide McLouth 

Better drag the field, Mangan
Mangan, drag the field
Remember what happened last time 
When Yunel missed the steal?
I heard they moved the TV crew 
To way down by the pen 
They never found that microphone 
Or Kris Medlin again 

Drag the field, Mangan
Drag the field, Mangan
It won't be Cox first time, 
But it might be his last 

Drag the field, Mangan
And keep your fingers crossed 
And if you're friends with Frank Wren
Please ask him to help us 
Our best-case scenario 
Is for Cox to tone it down
I'm almost out of Valium, 
Red Man, and self respect 

Drag the field, Mangan
Drag the field, Mangan
It won't be Cox first time, 
But it might be his last