[cartoon Cam & Hague etc] #ge2010 #ge10 #leadersdebate #YourVoteCountsToo Cameron is 'plenty with platitudes' His  'Compassionate conservatism' does not stand up to scrutiny --- Eye witnessed the state of our governace over late 30 years --- I have no confidence, from anything they've said today that either their instincts nor intentions have changed. ---'Compassionate' 'Conservatism' is not a political ideology, it is the forced marriage 'cobbling together' of 2 wings of the Tory diaspora. They are still arguing with each other, up to and I'm sure during the election. During 18 years these two wings of the party were in outright civil war. That is what eventually ousted them in 1997, depite 7/8 yrs of people hated, ineffetual govt. Despite the in-fighting, our defunct electoral system kept returning them, until their own private grief overcame them. --- Their own self implosion ousted them from office, with a little help from a certain Mr T Blair political chancer.--- These people may have changed some faces, but they're all the heirs of the same bad ideoloiges and dogmas subcribed to in juvenilia. They, without the courage, desire or motivation to question those instincts and dogmas. Betrayed by what they themselves have said. I suggest you go look for yourselves vefore you mark a cross in the box.